According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary, “Civilization refers to the act of being civilized”
As much as civilization is important, we must try not to confuse it with other concepts, or ideas.
‘Civilization’ and ‘Westernization’ are two very different concepts with a thin line between them.
Turn on the television, and switch to any random channel, 8 out of 10 advertisements will make you feel inferior about your skin, hair, smell, body weight, looks,clothes, etc, etc, etc.
Taking the current situation into concern let me give you an example:
“If I wear a kurta pyjama, I’ll still be as literate and as civilized as I am now. But as far as our idea of a ‘civilized’ person is concerned, I am not civilized unless I start walking around in western clothing, and yap about in English with a fake accent.”
These are false ideas propagated by the media, injected deep into the minds of the vulnerable younger generation, and it's sad to see that our YOUTH is being influenced.
We usually tend to judge people based on their choice of clothing, skin color, or language. We are living in a world where Abs>Knowledge, Skin Color>Piety, Superficial beauty>Inner Beauty and so on. This is where the idea of ‘pseudo-civilization’ takes form.
Is this women's liberation? *facepalm* |
And the most irritating part of it is that our women are being portrayed as nothing but sexual objects. Or as nymphomaniacs who, on sniffing the slightest hint of some random deodorant on a man, get aroused as if it was some aphrodisiac that was being sprayed, GROW UP!
You woman are not objects! You deserve to be treated with utmost respect.
DO NOT believe them when they say you need flawless white skin to get a man, DO NOT believe when they say you're not beautiful, DO NOT believe them when they say wearing indecent clothes will make you more acceptable in society. They are trying to manipulate your mind, and cripple your conscience.
This is sad. Very sad to see that we still haven't thrown aside our obsession of being a 'Gori Mem'.
Let us move towards progress, educate ourselves, and contribute to the betterment of our society. Let us leave behind the idea of ‘westernizing’ ourselves and accept a much broader concept of civilization.
As for those who are already under the influence of this ideology, PLEASE turn OFF your television sets.
Till next time, BYE BYE!
One more thing I felt like sharing.
P.S.: MTV India this year, crossed all limits when it made a cheap joke (Click here) out of a serious disease like AIDS which kills 2,000,000 people annually. I chose to write 2 million in digits to stress on the number of people affected. Bloody retards. I still don't get it!Why did people find it funny in the least bit?
Anyways, BYE!